Welcome to the Official Ben Hinks Website


I'm sure you've seen headlines about someone making $50,000 in a weekend selling NFTs. I doubt I will ever be that productive, but that won't stop me from trying! Starting with a few of my best photos ever, I will create my own NFTs.

So what does this mean? The NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a unique digital code that certifies both the provenance and ownership of a work, and allows for the ownership to be transferred or sold while the creator of the work retains the original copyright and reproduction rights. Essentially, this allows others to show their support for things I create. NFTs can also be resold, with the original artist receiving royalties on subsequent sales.

And just in case anyone is wondering, NFTs are bought and sold with the digital currency Etherium.

Here are the NFT collections I have created. Links open in a new tab/window.

My Best Photos Ever

June 4, 2021
Pixel 5
(not for sale)
July 5, 2019
Pixel 3
Maple Spanworm Moth
October 2, 2018
Fresh Cicada
August 16, 2017
Dilapidated Shed
June 9, 2015
LGE Nexus 4
Do Not Feed
August 20, 2009
Canon Powershot A1000 IS
March 8, 2006
Canon Powershot A95
A Lone Yellow Rose
June 4, 2005
Canon Powershot A95
Broken Screen
May 27, 2005
Canon Powershot A95
Airfield Sunrise
May 19, 2005
Canon Powershot A95

Copyright © 2021 by Ben Hinks